Hi I'm Erin...

a designer, developer, & software engineering student.

Projects I've Worked On:

Hundehütte Mobile App Image Hundehütte Mobile App Image Hundehütte Mobile App Image
Hundehütte is an apartment search app that helps dog owners in the Austin, Texas area find an apartment based on their dog’s breed with a focus on restricted dog breeds. With no prior knowledge on app development, completed an Udemy course, researched and became self-taught, and then designed and developed this app independently using Dart, Flutter, Firebase, and Android Studio. Now available on the Apple store.


Android Studio




Yogi Glow Mobile App Image Yogi Glow Mobile App Image Yogi Glow Mobile App Image
Yogi Glow is a yoga learning app that helps aspiring yogis learn new poses in a fun way. With the click of a button, Yogi Glow randomly selects a new pose for our users to learn. They will learn about the benefits of each pose, step-by-step instructions, along with detailed information about each pose. I developed this app independently using Dart, Flutter, and Android Studio. Now available on the Apple store.


Android Studio



figgy Mobile App Image figgy Mobile App Image figgy Mobile App Image figgy Mobile App Image
figgy Mobile App Image figgy Mobile App Image figgy Mobile App Image
figgy is going to be a person financial app where you can track your expenses, set a monthly budget, and monitor your spending each month to track whether you are staying on budget or not. I am currently developing this app with Swift, SwiftUI, and Xcode. I will make this app available on the Apple Store when it is completed. Currently, you can view my Figma file of the design scheme (5 pages long).





Financial Tracker Image Financial Tracker Image Financial Tracker Image Financial Tracker Image
Financial Expenses Tracker is a monthly financial expense tracker that can be run through your terminal and stores your data in a SQL database. If you want to use this for personal use, in order to keep your information private, you will need to create a free account and download the SQL database software onto your computer. Then change the username and password on the code. I hope you enjoy! Please reach out if you need assistance. I developed this program independently using Python, Tkinter interface package, Matplotlib library, and SQL. The code is available on my GitHub Account.






Farm Food Website Image 1
Farm Food Website is an e-commerce website for a local farm to sell their products to the community. For the first version, I designed and developed the front-end of the website. The second version will include the functionality of the shopping feature. The code is available on my GitHub Account.



Visual Studio Code

Image of My Illustration Website
My Illustration Website: A fun design website that I built to host my artwork. A static site built with HTML and CSS using the Visual Studio Code editor. The code is available on my GitHub Account.



Visual Studio Code